Wednesday, August 3, 2011

July Update

Wow, posting has been a bit slow recently, I can attribute that mainly to being busy and a tiny addiction to a game on Facebook (if I don't say its name it can't get me)

funny pictures - Shredding your to-do list.

Right, so where am I with the list?

8 - Read as many of the books from the Book List Challenge
Unsurprisingly, this is the one item I'm not having problems completing. I'm nearly a third of the way through the books and have travelled across a wide variety of genres. I'm hoping to take some of the French authored books away with me on our road trip, maybe a little Madam Bovary n'est-ce pas?

16 - Turn off my mobile for a week
I am dying to do this, but at the moment my cousin is 9 days overdue with her first - and I won't turn off my phone until she pops. I want to get this done this month though.

21 - Stick a pin in the map and go on a road trip to get there
Not long now until our mini epic road trip! So excited, I've nearly got all my clothes (the important bits I know). I've already posted a little about it before but will unleash the full set of photos and itinerary when we get back.

25 - Relearn to speak French
I found a brilliant program on the BBC website which I am working my way through and after having a random conversation about blue cats with my Sexy Foreign Woman in French, I think we should be alright for our impending French road trip. I've even learned how to ask that my photos be put onto CD so I can keep the hundreds of pictures I'll be taking of our adventure.

I think that's enough to be getting on with for now, some of the other items on the list are still works in progress so once they're completed I'll let you know.

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