Friday, June 17, 2011

Down to Earth with a Bump

When I first decided to make this list, I didn't intend it to be a Bucket List, more of a project to wean me off planning (ha!) after coming down off the wedding high.

But today I take a more sombre note as I draw your attention to Alice, at the age of 15 she has been fighting cancer for 4 years and is losing the battle. She is now blogging about her bucket list and has attracted so many followers we can only hope her No.1 list item will come true and everyone will sign up to become a bone marrow donor.

I don't want to sound preachy, but please take a moment and think of the things you want to accomplish in your lifetime and then think how long you have to complete them.

I'm including a link to her blog below in case you wanted to follow her too.

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