The one problem with some of the things on the list, is that they're ongoing challenges so I can't really report I've done them until the end!
To give you an idea though, this is how I'm getting on :
Start writing a blog and maintain it - I'm getting there, as this is my first blog I am still getting into the habit of documenting things. I should have this down by next March (she hopes ! )
2 .
Learn to sew - Thanks to MIL I now have a sewing kit and after a shopping trip with mama, we now have fabric for the bedroom projects. We'll be sorting those soon, hopefully without sewing through my fingers!
Finish off decorating the bedroom - This is on track to be completed soon, thanks to mama we now have wallpaper up. Once we've finished the soft furnishings projects, it will be done, yay!
Eat meals at the dining table - We're getting there, I'll show you how domesticated Paul's become in an upcoming post!
Make and properly ice a cake - Using the awesome bakeware we received on the gift list, you could say I've gone baking mad recently. However, I've almost perfected my Vanilla Sponge cake, once I've done that, on with the icing!
Start to write a novel - As seen in this
post, I have been laid down a challenge by a friend and I've already started to research the
origins of the book, next up, characters.
Read as many of the books from the Book List Challenge - Well, I'm ploughing my way through the list although it's taking a little longer than I anticipated, but that's just because I'm getting used to various different writers styles. I'm currently reading Catch 22, but click here for reviews of
Atonement and
Finish my weight loss - Despite my recent setback with the car accident, I will be back at the gym this week losing those saddlebags - yee haw!
Stick a pin in the map and go on a road trip to get there - For our summer holiday we thought we'd try this road trip idea thingy out. And we've landed in Provence, France! Keep an eye out for the road trip post details soon!
Get Christmas and birthdays organised - I'm starting to plan the Christmas gifts now, so we're sort of on track!?
Relearn to speak French - I've got my greatest test ahead of me, we are going to go on a French roadtrip to Provence (see #22) for our summer holiday, and as Paul's use of French extends to "un biere, s'il vous plait" I'll need to step up. The main thing for this test will be my missing vocab, now, what's the French for motorway ....?
I know there are some numbers missing, but that's just cos I've got them planned out for a later date, so you'll just have to wait.
Do you have any helpful ideas or suggestions for the ongoing challenges?