Monday, May 9, 2011

The F Word

Yes folks, today is the day I discuss the F word .... FAT.

As you may have seen on the list, #21 is to finish my weight loss. I'm almost there, I just have a little bit left to go.

I'd better take you back in time through the medium of embarassing photos ...
(please excuse bad quality, some of these have been scanned in from old photos, and others were taken at a time of inebriation ... hehe)

This is me aged 18 :

Roll on 3 years to my 21st Birthday, and a lot’s changed :

Over the next couple of years, it got worse :

And it was after seeing this picture that I finally realised I needed to do something :

By this time we were living with Paul’s parents getting our deposit together, we were engaged and it was a few days after I’d turned 23. Although the initial weight gain was not entirely due to overeating, my diet wasn’t exactly conducive to losing weight. Two years after my lightbulb moment I’m still on that journey. Sure I could have gone crazy with my diet and done a lot more exercise, but I chose to lose it gradually to make it a more sustainable change and ultimately a lifestyle.

Fast forward to our wedding and I’m not there yet, but I’m a lot healthier and lighter than I was two years ago. I’m not far off my goal, just a little bit more to go. So now I’ve turned 25, what do I currently look like? Well, see for yourself … 

Authors Note : This is before I had my PWC - I can't seem to remember to get pics taken of me when I'm looking semi-decent! Ah well, you'll just have to wait!

I just want to end this post by saying thank you to everyone who has supported me thus far - whether it be telling me no more cookies or successfully hiding your revulsion at my ballooning I thank you all xxx


Anonymous said...

Good for you - you've thought this through well. You know what you can achieve by small stages and you're nearly there. It's courting disaster with weight loss to lose too much too quickly - it nearly always goes back on again. So stay in there, and get to your goal and make it work! The ?wedding picture looks great BTW!

SnowflakeBrit said...

Thankyou to whoever that was - you didn't leave your name!