Friday, December 16, 2011

WEVerb11 - 11 - Try

Try. What 12 new things do you want to do/accomplish in 2012?

Given that this blog is already a list, it's difficult trying to think of "new" things to do next year but here goes :

1.       Learn to drive our car on a motorway. I passed my test just this Friday and I will be taking my Pass Plus in the New Year.

2.       Complete the Chase Walk (all 40 miles of it).
3.       Reach peak physical fitness.
4.       Start the process for a little H!
5.       Launch the new blog after finishing this one.
6.       Reduce my chocolate consumption to only the quality stuff.
7.       Work my way through my recipe books and actually try them instead of drooling!
8.       Learn how to take photos properly, even if our camera is only a point and shoot!
9.       Make at least one item from the dress patterns in my sewing drawer
10.   Finish off things from my list – I know it’s not new but some of them won’t get done before March!
11.   Dress better – I’ve let my personal style slip since the massive weight gain and gradual loss, and I need to get it back!
12.   Develop a regular fitness regime I will stick to!

WEVerb11 - 15 - Surprise

First of all apologies these posts are coming in one go, I've not stopped all this week sorting out edible Christmas gifts.

Now, on with the next post :

Surprise. What event of 2011 affected you in an unexpected way?
This will make me sound so bad, but it wasn’t so much an event but the little things that Paul did for me this year. It’s just been subtle little changes which made me think, sh*t, we’re a married couple now, this is my husband.
He’s been more thoughtful than before and has touched me with some of the little things he’s done – like buying me flowers on his way home because I sounded down on the phone.
I can’t wait to make him a father x

WEVerb11 - 16 - Persevere

Persevere. Describe something that disappointed you in 2011 and how you persevered.
Wow, this post is going to open a can of worms.
During the course of our wedding, I was circulating the crowd (as you do) and as I approached one of the tables I realised that one of my best friends was not there. I enquired around my hen party girls as we had all exchanged numbers that weekend and no-one had heard from her. In fact, one of the hens had been in contact with her only a few days before confirming she would be at the wedding.
I put it at the back of mind because as selfish as this sounds, it was our wedding day and I had other things to think about. When we got back to the hotel that night I checked my phone; no text or missed phone call.
The following evening I accessed Facebook and changed my relationship status to Married. Again, no communication from her.
It was only on the Monday night when I put a status update about eating leftover wedding cake that I got a text message. During the following text conversation I was honest with her and said I was very disappointed she hadn’t made it to the wedding, nor bothered to contact either me or the hens earlier. I said I was willing to put it behind us and move on. Subsequently, every time we arranged to meet up she pulled out at the last minute because it wasn’t convenient for her. We then tried to arrange to go and see her, but she told us not to bother making any special effort to go and see her.
This for me was the last straw. I started to realise that it was always me making the effort to meet up and since I moved out of the area; she had never once come over to the new house, despite promising she would. So, I stopped contacting her. She stayed as a Facebook friend and I kept her number in my phone until September, but after no response to the messages about Paul’s dad I cut her off. I have grieved for a lost friend, but in hindsight, had I lost her before the wedding?
It has made me appreciate my girls so much more, I don’t make friends easily and 2012 will be my tenth anniversary with my girlies. And fingers crossed we’ll reach our golden anniversary.
At BT's wedding, excuse the bad picture quality - need to teach husband about camera focus!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

WEVerb11 - 9 - Appreciate

Appreciate. In which moment did you find yourself flooded with gratitude? How will you rally around gratitude in 2012?

I know I'm going back to the wedding again, but I am so grateful for the entire day.

I'm grateful that we had relatives travel over from Switzerland, all my godparents came despite not seeing them since my 18th birthday.

I'm grateful to Rainbow and her boyfriend for their efforts on the day, and as a result, we now have a stunning wedding video we hadn't even factored in to our planning process.

I'm grateful to my mum, who in full evening gown at 3pm, dashed to Sainsbury's so I would have a bouquet (that story is to come for my anniversary posts!).

I'm grateful to my dad, who calmed me down right before I made that step into the ceremony room, but I am not entirely grateful for his speech.

I'm grateful to Paul's mum and dad, without them we wouldn't have had outfits for the ringbearer and flower girl.

I'm grateful to BT for her reading, especially as it was given to her on the day of the wedding.

I'm going to stop there, I'm missing people off, but this much love in the morning is making me hanker for the Ferrero Rocher sat next to me on my desk

Thursday, December 8, 2011

WEVerb11 - 8 - Choose

What was the biggest choice you made in 2011? What caused you to choose what you chose?

Wow, erm, I'm trying to think now if I made any real significant choices this year.
 The most relevant one at the moment is committing myself to completing the Chase Walk in 2012.

It's a 40 mile hill walk crossing over Cannock Chase, Staffordshire, all in one go. The aim is to complete it in under 18 hours.

Cannock Chase AONB Source
I tried to find pictures of previous walks with some of my team mates, but they appear to be camera shy!

There were two reasons I wanted to complete this challenge :
  1. I wanted to complete a Charity Challenge (of some description) before we start a family.
  2. I wanted to get fit.

I'm raising money for the Eve Appeal (see my Just Giving page) who support research into gynaecological or foof cancers. (After I said I was doing this I found out about these toys via Bakerella. But Paul says I'm not allowed to carry around a cuddly foof!)

I did think about completing another type of Charity Challenge but due to my temperamental health, I could complete a sustained trek or project lasting beyond a couple of days. As it is, my problems at the moment seem to be on the level. Plus, I'm not a runner - the frontal ballast does not make for a comfortable ride!

So I decided to do the Chase Walk, Paul has done it several million times throughout his life so would be a perfect coach. I'm currently doing two to three six-mile walks each week, walking from work to halfway home. I'll be stepping this up nearer the time, as well as taking part in the 10 mile, 20 mile and 30 mile training walks (eek).

All this will hopefully get me nice and fit and toned in time for my 26th birthday, and so we can start a family, having given my body the best possible start it would need.

If anyone has any helpful tips either motivation or even nutrition I will gladly accept the help!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

WEVerb11 - 4- Haiku

Write a haiku. Sum up your year, via haiku

Snowdrop opens wide
Promise of gifts to discover
My eyes frozen

Btw, this is my first haiku, apologies if it's not the best!

WEVerb11 - 6 - Favour

What was your favorite month of 2011? Why did it beat out all 11 other months?

It had to be January of course!

Why you may ask, well :

1 - We got married!!

2 - The day before the wedding, Mr H got offered an interview for his dream job.

3 - We spent a week in the Italian Tyrol, skiing and eating gorgeous food.

4 - We returned from holiday, and Mr H had got his dream job!

5 - I had nearly a month off work due to the wedding and honeymoon. Whilst I don't hate my job, who wouldn't mind having a month off?!?

So all in all, a very busy but definitely kick ass month, oh yeah!!

WEVerb11 - 5 - Befriend

Befriend. Did you meet any new friends this year? How did they impact your 2011?

I'm trying to think now if I made any new friends this year, and in the real world I don't think I did. In fact I cut one out of my life.

I suppose the closest thing I have to new friends has been since I began this blog. Mr H frequently reminds me that the blogs I read and the ladies I have received comments from/commented on are not my friends.
But I don't know quite how to classify you all.

You have all given me help and support, even if you didn't know about it this year.

So I suppose this is the time to say thank you to you:

Jenna - Some of your earlier posts have settled my mind on a topic I will cover in my new blog as it's a bit premature for this one just yet. But I have also been inspired by your weight loss,

Brandi - Whenever I want to picture myself in a calm and beautiful place, I think of the trees at your wedding, continuing up into the heavens. (that sounds creepy doesn't it? sorry!)

Morgan - You reassure me that my need to have everything colour coordinated and matching is not just a me-thing. There are others of us out there!

Cat - You make me laugh so much in the office, and you make me laugh at the British idiosyncrasies.

Kate - There's no such thing as too much cake!

I've definitely missed out on some other bloggers, and for that I'm sorry, but I've had to draw the line ( mainly because I need to get off my lunch break)

WEVErb11 - 3 - Learn

Learn. What lesson did you learn in 2011 from “The School of Life” rather than a classroom?

Hmm, this year I learnt that you need to communicate effectively in your relationship.

Since we got married, Mr H and I have subtly changed. Our marriage is a lot more comfortable, there's less fighting and we're both responding to the other better.

How did we learn this lesson? It has been a gradual thing, but we found out that my FIL and MIL didn't discuss certain things, which to us are very important, and I wonder, had he been around, would he have done things differently?

Eee this is a bit of a melancholic post. Fingers crossed tomorrow is more upbeat!

WEVerb11 - 7 - Travel

Where did you travel this year? What was your favorite part? If you didn’t get to travel, where do you want to go next year?

This year we kept it pretty low key, we travelled to Matlock for our wedding :

Then onto Folgarida, Italy for our honeymoon

We were due to take an epic roadtrip around France, but that's indefinitely on hold for the moment.

As for next year, we're going back to Matlock for our first anniversary, and then come May, having a big old holiday in Malta.

I don't know if we'll end up anywhere else, or if we'll get the tent out next year. Just have to wait and see what happens

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

WEverb11 - 2 - Listen

Listen. What song did you listen to in 2011 to completely change your mood?  Think about ways you can you add more music to your life in 2012

I discovered Caro Emerald quite late this year, and That Man is the best song to put a wiggle in my step and make me feel tip top.

Even now, I am channelling my inner 50s chick, with my full skirted dress, red cardigan and red lipstick.

For 2012, I am hoping to buy more music. Particularly as my favourite band have reformed and are just putting the finishing touches to their next album - ya hoo!!!
When I move across to my new blog, after this year is over, I'll be posting about all sorts of music that I'm coming across, from the popular to the downright weird.
As a side note, I think my husband may ban me from listening to Radio Two's musicals programme, singing Under the Sea at the top of my voice in the car on Sunday wasn't appreciated. Especially not with my (horrendous) jamaican accent!

Monday, December 5, 2011

WEVerb11 - 1 - Select One Word

Choose one word. Encapsulate the year 2011 in one word. Explain why. Imagine it’s one year from today, what would you like the word to be that captures 2012 for you? In the spirit of where this all started… this

So how do I encapsulate 2011 in one word?


(And not this kind)

 8th January 2011 saw us become Mr and Mrs H, and that stabilised our relationship. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't rocky before, but the marrieds of you out there  know that feeling of security and stability that comes from having the ring on your finger and the piece of paper stating you're married.

We were tested this year, with the death of my father-in-law and I think that has further stabilised our relationship. It was tough at the time, but we have come through it.

As for 2012, I'm hoping  the words New Beginnings will be appropriate - and yes I know it's two words. Just humour me please!